Shab e Barat Quotes 2023, Night of Forgiveness SMS, Prayers & Greetings

Last updated on February 20th, 2023 at 02:03 pm

Shab e Barat is a religious event of Muslims that comes every year around on 15th of Shaban. It is known as the night of records and salvation. Muslims from every corner of the world say special prayers on this night. Here are the best Shab e Barat quotes 2023, prayers, forgiveness messages for WhatsApp, and greetings to share on Facebook with your loved ones on the coming 15th of Shaban.

Shab e Barat Quotes 2023

‘’It is a night of Istighfar and seeking Allah’s forgiveness, on this night the deed books are closed off, and everything is going to be decided for the next year. So don’t forget to pray as much as possible to minimize your sins and to maximize your reward.’’

‘’Every sin is forgivable except the one’s committed with other human beings; Haqooq ul Ibaad. So on this night of forgiveness, say sorry to the ones who you have wronged; ask them to forgive you so that all your sins of the previous year might be wiped away.’’

‘’The night of forgiveness is near, on this night every sin is forgiven by Allah. Ask Allah sincerely, compassionately and humbly to forgive your sins, all minors and majors. Ask so that you may enter the list of forgiven people.’’

Shab e Barat Quotes

‘’If you have hurt someone and you know it, say sorry to them. Ask them to forgive you because once the deed book is closed, you can’t go back in time and erase your sins.’’

‘’Today is Shab e Barat, the night when decisions of Life and Death are made, all human deeds are presented before Allah, and all decisions are taken for the next year.’’

Forgiveness Messages for Shab e Barat:

As this is the night of forgiveness, here are the best forgiveness messages to share on WhatsApp, Facebook, and SMS with your loved ones.

‘’Today is Shab e Barat, I ask you to forgive me if I have ever hurt you or did wrong to you. Forgive me and remember me in your prayers.’’

‘’On this night, all our deeds are presented before Allah, I request you to forgive me so that all my sins are erased for this year. Don’t forget to keep me in your prayers.’’

‘’I openly apologies to everyone if I have ever done wrong to you. Please accept my apologies and forgive me. And kindly pray for me and everyone around you.’’

‘’Maybe my name is written in the list of people who shall die this year, so I request you to forgive me kindly. I am really sorry for everything and all my acts. Please pardon my faults and remember me in your prayers.’’

‘’I might not be able to see you the next Shab e Barat, so kindly forgive me and pray for me and everyone around you so that Allah erases all my sins.’’

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Wishes and Greetings for Shab e Barat

Here are best wishes and greetings for sharing with your loved ones on Shab e Barat. Have a look at them and share on WhatsApp and SMS.

‘’I wish you all a special night of Forgiveness, May all your sins are being forgiven on this blessed night. May you and your family be blessed. Do remember me in your prayers.’’

Wishes and Greetings for Shab e Bara

‘’Wishing you a blessed night of Shab b Barat, I pray that all your prayers come true, and all your sins are wiped out. Don’t forget to remember my family and me in your prayers.’’

‘’Shab e Barat Mubarik. May this Shab e Barat brings blessings, Mercy, and Happiness to you and your family. Don’t forget to read the Quran and ask Allah for mercy. Also, remember me in your prayers.’’

‘’Allah has given me and you a blessed night, don’t forget to say special prayers and read Quran. May Allah forgive you and all of us.’’

‘’My dear friends and family, I want to say sorry to you for the all wrong things I ever did to you intentionally or unintentionally. Please forgive me and remember me in your prayers.’’

Shab e Barat WhatsApp Status

I hope and pray Allah forgive all of our sins and bless us with a beautiful year ahead. I hope this Shab e Barat brings happiness and contentment to you and your family. Do remember us in your prayers.

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